Shameless Shenanigans
Two opinionated guys with a couple of microphones talking about their lives that are not that interesting, giving advice they shouldn't be giving and answering questions you didn't ask. Its two guys, two microphones and one shameless podcast.
67 episodes
Ep. 67 - Imbibe, Elect And Advise: A Cocktail Of Chaos
In this episode packed of emotions, the guys discuss travel advisories, upcoming election troubles, food and more. It's a spicy one so get ready.
Episode 67

Ep. 66 - Life, Liberty & Lagers
The guys catch up for the last time in 2024 and recap their past weeks. They discuss politics, relaxing, beers and more. Get ready and hold on for some inappropriateness.
Episode 66

Ep. 65 - The Future Of Feeling Good (Interview)
Our favorite psychotherapist Tina from the Mental Spa is back to talk about her new adventure, neurofeedback and mental health after the pandemic. Strap yourself in and enjoy!
Episode 65
Ep. 64 - We Are Not Swifties
The guys discuss the horrible failure that the Tyson vs Paul fight was, the Montreal Raw Wine festival and confirm that neither are Swifties.
Episode 64

Ep. 63 - Serendipity Unscripted
The guys got together without any plans and started Recording. Welcome to the rabbit hole of uncertainty or a squirrel with ADHD, your pick. Enjoy!
Episode 63

Ep. 62 - Human Tapestry - Ginger Jess
In this first spicy episode of the new series "Human Tapestry" the guys hang out with Jess and chat about life. Things get sexual very quickly so beware!
Episode 61

Ep. 61 - A Saucy Fail
In this episode the guy discuss fast food pains and pleasures, Phil's quick checkout troubles, Diddy's arrest, the Hip documentary and more. Enjoy Schnuggs!
Episode 61

Ep. 60 - Scooters And Speak Easy's
Now that summer craziness is coming to an end, Phil and Rob had time to finally record a new episode. Enjoy the guys talking about what's happened in the past months and prepare to be offended
Episode 60

Ep. 59 - The Epitome Of Stupidity
This time the guys reminisce about the solar eclipse, better TV overseas, another celebrity scandal and they try to learn more about why gender equality is so tough to accomplish.
Episode 59

Ep. 58 - I've Done Worse Things
In this episode the guys talk about music festivals, a common yet misunderstood saying, ai's talking about our doom, car thefts and the world's worst movie.
Episode 58

Ep. 57 - Make Canada Eh Again!
*Warning* Controversial episode may cause some people to get offended. The guys discuss whether or not Canada has lost its way and some other topics as well.
Episode 57

Ep. 56 - Dumb Dumb
In this episode the guys talk about douchebags with light bars, upped Amazon Prices, failed Navigation and new liquor laws coming to Ontario.
Episode 56

Ep. 55 - You've Been Stereotyped
The guys talk about stereotypes in rides, stupid commercials and the new reality of deep fakes. Do you have a fake sextape out there? (probably not but what if!)
Episode 55

Ep. 54 - He Said, She Said
The guys talk about new a Halloween rules in schools, hockey gambling and communication breakdowns between gals and guys. Beware of innapropriateness!
Episode 54

Ep. 53 - AI-n't You Scared
In this episode the guys catch up after a lengthy summer siesta and rant about stuff that bugged them. Other topics include reality TV, war and AI. Beware if triggers if you're snowflakesque!
Episode 53

Ep. 52 - Throw It In The Windmill
*Disclaimer - This episode had some technical issues during editing. The guys catch up after a lengthy summer break. They discuss topics including but not limited to green energy, Trudeau's breakup, LCBO's bags and more.
Episode 52

Ep. 51 - Ready To Drink
In episode 51 the guys catch up on their Canada Day festivities and rant about random topics. The main topic is RTD's out these days (Ready To Drink). A delicious topic! Strap in and enjoy.
Episode 51

Ep. 50 - What's In A Name
In their 50th episode the guys chat about a couple of exciting weeks they had, rant as per usual and reveal the origin of their names. Perhaps it's time for a little refresher of the show. Stay tuned!
Episode 50

Ep. 49 - Chasing
In episode 49 the guys catch up after a bit of a break anddiscuss movie chase scenes. The topics wander and stumbleinto many regions of discussions. Listen at your own risk!
Episode 49

Ep. 48 - Endangered Chivalry
In this episode the guys get into a controversial discussion about whether or not chivalry is dead. The topic changes into many other touchy subjects, so consider yourself warned! Enjoy
Season 1
Episode 48

Ep. 47 - Streaming Pains
After catching up and sharing a life hack, the guys discuss today's streaming dilemmas and solutions. They recommend a few new shows and go off on a rant during the check-in.
Episode 47

Ep. 46 - Six Figure Sand
In this episode the guys discuss the top news of the week after a quick catch up and Cash rants about some idiot wasting money on stupid stuff.
Season 1
Episode 46

Ep. 45 - The Struggle Is Reel
The guys do a Top 5 on cool space facts, their main topic is about the struggles with media twists and the rant is about old dumb bylaws.
Season 1
Episode 45